Holding sacred space for those in their final stages of life, has the potential of stretching us towards our edge of excellence. It is often the "how" we become an active witness within our compassionate caring that has the power to transform everyone involved, especially ourselves.
- Janet Sinclair has been described as some one who helps others negotiate the narrow passages of life upon which we often run a ground.
- A passionate down to earth teacher, Janet's diverse
training allows her to marry traditional wisdoms, humour and healing ( to make whole ) creating sacred ways of being for self and community.
- Her therapeutic training includes practices as a medical intuite, Reiki Master, Shamanic Practitioner as well as a Thanadoula through the Institute of Traditional Medicine in Toronto.
- Janet's approach to healing is a combination of both traditional and western medicine rooted in their generous application throughout her life particularly when challenged to negotiate her life threatening cancer.
- Every day she continues to live deeply and authentically, to tell the tale of how healing has helped her to thrive rather then simply survive.
Dr. Michele Chaban
Co-founder of the Contemplative End of Life Care Professional Training Program at The Institute of Traditional Medicine
Thirteen Compassionate Caregiving Strategies
1. Time Frame Awareness
2. Choices Give Back Control
3. Simplify and Give Structure
4. Let Them Become the Wise Story Teller
5. Bring the humour back into humanity
6. Find the balance point
7. Become the eye within the storm
8. Active witnessing
9. Source the force
10. Don't argue one's truth
11. Being the best advocator
12. Honouring what enhances humanness
13. Language as a tool of empowerment
This Eight Week Course is $45.00 per class
Total Cost for Series is $ 360.00
Contact Janet Sinclair urbanshaman3@gmail. com
Contact Janet Sinclair urbanshaman3@gmail. com