The Shaman's Ways Level One, Two and Masters Level


Shamanism is an ancient form of personal development and healing pre dating all known religions and philosophies. As a medical intuitive, Reiki Master, Shamanic Practitioner, Thanadoula and cancer survivor of twenty years, Janet Sinclair aligns with these ancient transformative techniques. She shares her awareness and experiences of the extraordinary within an ordinary urban life.

The Magic Within the Medicine Wheel 
Align and catalyze your life force energy and experience all aspects of your authentic self within this ancient healing paradigm. 

Journey Work  Communicating with Spirit 
Alter the frequency of your consciousness with intention, compassion and discipline.

Ceremony and Ritual  Bringing the Sacred to Everyday
Ceremony without ritual is lifeless and ritual without ceremony is unrealized potential. 

Vision Shifting  Seeing the Unseen World 
Alter your sensory resonance in order to enable yourself to see, feel, smell, hear and even taste the unseen world. 

Dreamscaping  Dance All Your Dreams Awake
Manifesting change by recognizing and experiencing the miraculous within the mundane. 

Soul Retrieval  Mending the Fragmented Self 

Transform your state of consciousness and unwind your soul in order to travel and retrieve ancient wisdom and lost personal power.

Sacred Laws  "As Above So Below " 

Co create " Heaven on Earth ". Align your spirit with nature, in order to hear her natural voice within everything.  

Death and Change   Magic, Mystery and Transformation 
Our thoughts, feelings and actions are directly related to our innate fear of death and change.  Align your lifeforce energy by relaxing your body and focusing your mind with change,  in order to call forth your sacred dream and freedom.

Shapeshifting  Dancing with Change 
While we may not all fly as the eagle, we can invite and embrace the transformative flight of the eagle into our hearts.

Total Cost of the Nine Week Course is $360.00 hst.

 Janet Sinclair 519 275 4833  urbanshaman3@gmail. com